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Read This Before Changing Your Name On PSN

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Everybody wants a username that’s right for them, and some of us made some pretty terrible names when we were younger. For years, Xbox users had the ability to change their usernames at the cost of $10, but PlayStation players lacked that option. And while we will finally have that ability soon, your account may suffer some serious repercussions in the process.

There is currently a closed beta for this feature which will last until November 31st, and it will be fully available in early 2019. Every title released after April 1, 2018, will support name-changing, but older games carry major risks. A leaked disclaimer shown to beta testers reveals that users might lose access to the DLC and save data for unsupported games.

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Other potential problems include the loss of virtual currency, leaderboard data, or trophy progress—and your new name might not even show sometimes. While the beta testers say that you can revert to your original name at no additional cost, it may not fix all of the problems caused by the name change. Another option allows you to display your old username next to your new one, but once you’ve implemented that change, you can’t reverse it.

It doesn’t hurt to wait and see if anybody has these problems when the feature officially launches, but if you’re in a dire need of a name change, consider the potential of what these bugs may do to your account and if it’s still worth it. You’ll get one free name change, but every additional change will cost $10 USD/CAD.

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Do you think you’ll still change your PlayStation Network name when you’re given the chance? Hit the comments to let us know!

Source: GameSpot

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Written by Thomas Schäfer

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