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Pi Day donors

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“When people think about Raspberry Pi, they usually think about the tiny, affordable, and powerful computers we all know and love,” says Anna Coe, Senior Development Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation North America. “What many don’t know is that the Raspberry Pi Foundation is a non-profit organisation with an educational mission. That mission is to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world.”

There was a special little bonus for people who donated – their name mentioned here in The MagPi.

- Werbung -

“In the weeks leading up to Pi Day, over 400 generous individuals and companies contributed more than £18,000 to support young learners who rely on the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s free learning resources,” Anna reveals. “Through gifts of $3.14, £31.42, €314.16, and more, Pi Day campaign donors have made an impact on 60,000 young digital makers who are learning new skills and getting creative with computing.”

We’re honoured to display all your names. Thank you for funding the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Special thanks from Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Foundation extends deep gratitude to the Pi Day campaign donors listed here, and to the additional 220 supporters who have chosen to remain anonymous. Special thanks goes to EPAM Systems. who matched the first $5000 raised dollar-for-dollar; to CanaKit for their generous gift of $3141; and to OKdo for donating 50% of their Pi Day weekend proceeds to this campaign.

If you would like to learn how you or your company can support the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s mission, please visit



AAxios Technologies


Crosstalk Solutions

EPAM Systems

Hallsten Innovations Ltd

Logwood Computing Ltd

MINT Genie




Tadintune Limited

Wild Computing Ltd

Woolsey Workshop


Alessandro Rani

Alex Penfold

Alexander Kirsch

Alister Ware

Alya Amarsy

Andrew Bennett

Andrew Book

Andrew Potter

Andrew Thomson

Andrew White

Andy Elder

Andy Felong

Antoine Vincent

Ariel Perez V.R.

Armand Christophe

Benjamin Howe

Bob Bailey

Brando Sabatini

Brian Coupe

Brian Fargo

Bruce Clawson

Carl Reasoner

Carl Smith

Carol Gonzales

Charles Godwin

Chloë Allen-Ede

Chris DeHut

Chris Kirk

Christian Bechheim

Christian Hiob

Christopher Bowring

Christopher Leadholm

Ciaran Byrne

Clayton Dymond

Clint Dimick

Damien Duddy

Daniel Dimmick

Daniel Harper

Daniel Pullan

David Ashworth

David Johnson

David Jones

David Rush

Dejun Yuan

Dirk Heinkelmann

Divyendu Singh

Dominic Varley

Dru Nelson

Ed Parsons

Efren Rodriguez

Eitan Sharon

Ella Sharon

Emma Staves

Ethan Banks

Everett Faircloth

Francisco de Assis Barros de Menezes

Frank Dube

Garreth Tinsley

Garry Heather

Gary Thompson

Geoffrey Cross

Gerry Quinn

Gery Brosens

Gnanasekaran Thoppae


Graham Fisher

Grahame Hambleton

Greg Parke

Grigori Fursin

Guy Leech

Harry Myhre

Hector Serrano

Hugh Cowan

Iván Oliva

Ivan Soldo

James Banks

James Copeland

James Duggan

James Pearson

James Turck

Jason Miller

Jason Townsend

Jay Roberts

Jeff Liu

Jeffrey Rollin

- Werbung -

Jesper E. Siig

Joffrey Birster

Johann Blauensteiner

John Dallman

John Elliott

John Fitzpatrick 

John Peart

Jonah Neeb


Jonathan Nourse

Jonathan Vannieuwkerke

Jorge Bailon

Jürgen Falch

Justin Driscoll

Justin Pinner

Justin Sauber

Kamilla Marosi

Kasper Holst

Keith Carscadden

Kevin McAleer

Kevin Taylor

Larry Howell

Laura Simms

Leah Yes

Lee Jordan

Len Layton

Leonard Wong

Linda Goetze

LK Ward

Luca Campisi

Lucas Dreher

Luis Alberto R. Antunez

Margot Thomas

Mark Routledge

Mark Seymour

Martin Woodward

Masafumi Ohta

Masami Mitsuhashi

Matt Heavner

Matt Sendorek

Matthew Sylvester

Michael Haß

Michal Krzywonos

Mohammad Asad

Murlidhhar Naidu

Neil Hoare

Nelson Hinman Jr

Nick Gushlow

Nick Kaufmann

Nick Sharp

Nick Stringer

Nick Twigg

Niklas Gertoft

Nithinut Ekapand

Patrick D.

Paul Clark

Paul Fretwell

Paul Gittere

Pavel Maly

Peter Becker

Peter Francis

Peter Taeleman

Peter Vincent

Phil Randal

Philip Ichinaga

Philip Mather

Poul Christiansen

R.C. Whiteley

Ralf Geschke

René Beckerschmidt

Ricardo de Azambuja

Rich Pearson

Richard Ash

Rob Sutton

Robert Sternberger

Robert Bradley 

Rupert Wilson

Salvatore Del Pizzo

Samuel Pickard

Samyar Sadat Akhavi

Sarah Fawcett

Scott Bickley

Sean McManus

Shawn Bird

Shea Silverman

Simon Bartlett

Simon Reap

Simon Withers

Sinead Harold

Steffen Taube

Stephen Kellat

Stephen McGuinness

Steve Beck

Stewart Watkiss

Tero Hemiö

Thomas Proctor

Thomas Veach

Tihamer Benjamin Kovacs

Timothy Sailer

Tom Borg

Tom van den Enden

Trust your Imagination

Tyler Bramble

Venugopal Chidambaram

Walter Mollineaux

Yannick Bentz 

- Werbung -

Zachary Zebrowski

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