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Painting robot with ‘twin’ control scheme

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Painting robot with ‘twin’ control scheme

Arduino TeamJuly 16th, 2020

For a class project, University of Stuttgart students Ekin Sila Sahin, Lior Skoury, and Simon Treml came up with a unique painting robot named the Physical Twin.

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The Physical Twin travels on a three-wheeled chassis and mounts a four-axis arm with a brush. An operator controls the arm to dip the brush into an onboard paint container, and can then manipulate it for application.

The controller consists of a joystick for movement as well as a mini version of the arm. Four potentiometers measure arm input angles, which are duplicated on four corresponding servos on the robot. A pair of Arduino Mega boards are used for the setup — one on the mobile robot and another in the remote unit.

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You can see the device in action in the videos below, showing off direct operation and the ability to play back prerecorded movements.

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Website: LINK

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