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ClearCrawler Strandbeeest walks under Arduino control

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ClearCrawler Strandbeeest walks under Arduino control

Arduino TeamDecember 3rd, 2019

Maker Jeremy S. Cook has been building Theo Jansen-style walkers for literally years, and after several iterations has come up with what he calls the “ClearCrawler.” 

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This little guy stands at just over 15 inches tall — including its comparatively large clear cylindrical head — and travels around via a pair of motors that move four legs on either side like tank treads.

For control, Cook is using an Arduino Nano onboard, along with a motor driver, plus an Uno and joystick shield as the remote unit. Communication between the two is accomplished by a pair of nRF24L01+ radio modules. 

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Code for the project is available on GitHub, and the build is split up into an electronics and mechanical section in the videos below.

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Website: LINK

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Written by Quad Oner


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