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Arduino brings Ghost Rider costume to life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Long before Nicolas Cage ever portrayed the character on the silver screen, Ghost Rider appealed to an edgier subsect of Marvel’s audience. We won’t do a deep dive into the character(s) and their Faustian deals, but suffice it to say that Ghost Rider is a human man who turns into a flaming skeleton that rides a motorcycle. Where that lands on the cool to cringe scale depends on the particular appearance, but Andy’s Halloween costume recreation of Ghost Rider is definitely cool.

Andy’s costume includes a skeleton mask and the appropriate biker-style leather jacket, but really comes to life thanks to the added effects. Those include LED lighting and billowing flames. Andy can activate those using a small handheld remote control. When he does, the LEDs illuminate pieces of red cloth that flap in a wind created by big blower fans. Those mimic the look of flames shooting out from the jacket.

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An Arduino Nano 33 BLE board controls the LEDs (a total of four red and two yellow), as well as the two blower fan motors through a TB6612FNG-based DC motor driver. Those blower fans use a lot of power, so this requires a large LiPo battery that sits in a backpack. The remote contains a second Nano 33 BLE powered by a small LiPo battery in a 3D-printed enclosure. The two Arduino boards communicate via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and the remote control’s Arduino uses its onboard accelerometer to respond to motion controls.

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The post Arduino brings Ghost Rider costume to life appeared first on Arduino Blog.

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