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Aarnio adds force feedback and sensing to chairs

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Aarnio adds force feedback and sensing to chairs

Arduino TeamJanuary 9th, 2020

Desk chairs are essential tools for the office environment, so why not turn them into a computer input and feedback device? Aarnio, by researchers from several universities, adds this functionality via an Arduino board. It’s able to detect rotation and tilt via an MPU-6050 IMU, and how far it travels along the floor with an optical sensor from a computer mouse.

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User feedback is provided by servo motors that can lock individual casters down. A brake setup is also implemented to inhibit rotation of the central axis and a spring is tightened as needed to modify tilt force. 

Testing showed about a 90% feedback recognition in users, and applications could include use as a gaming controller or as an assistive device for those with limited mobility of their hands.

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You can read more about Aarnio in its research paper here.

Website: LINK

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Written by Quad Oner


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