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Play Pacman and Donkey Kong on world’s smallest Arcade!

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The tiny emulator has been created by Adafruit, a New York-based open-source hardware company, and can be seen playing Pacman in a video produced by the firm. The developers built the arcade machine with relatively few parts and it was completed over a morning of ‚hacking‘.

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„The idea came about while discussing a gaming „bonnet“ – a small accessory board precisely fitted to the Raspberry Pi Zero form-factor — which would include a few basic controls and a tiny monochrome OLED display,“ the company says in a blog post.

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The device has been built with a Raspberry Pi Zero, an OLED screen, a small amplifier, and a „few assorted odds and ends“, which are used to control.

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Unfortunately for gamers, it will take a little while to build and needs some technical knowledge. Adafruit also says the machine was „only marginally fun to play“ and a „lot of trouble to build“.

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Written by blogdottv

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