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Pico W retro gaming special in The MagPi magazine issue #122

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi Pico & Pico W 

Our resident retro games expert KG Orphanides has crafted a superb feature for this month’s edition of The MagPi magazine. Discover how to emulate classic computers, hack 1980s hardware, and play retro games on a $6 microcontroller.

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Build a Mini Magic Mirror

A magic mirror is one of the timeless Raspberry Pi projects that we’ve given a new spin this month. Using a smaller screen and Raspberry Pi Zero W we’ve created a range of magic mirror projects that you can deploy around the home.

LEGO Submarine 4.0 

Get underwater with this incredible build. Using LEGO, a syringe, a pressure sensor and a wireless communication board this build can head into (and underneath) the water.

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Add a DJ & Jingles to your Raspberry Pi Radio

Sean McManus has built an incredible Raspberry Pi Radio that doesn’t just play songs, it uses Raspberry Pi smarts to create a virtual DJ. The disc jockey uses voice technology to interject and announce tracks, and even plays jingles and stings.

Build your own Poltergust G-00

The MagPi’s very own Rob Zwetsloot has created this incredible 3D-printed ghostbusting vacuum from Luigi’s Mansion 3. This month Rob walks us through the build process.

The Centre for Computing History interview

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We talk to the incredible museum located in Cambridge about its wonderful range of classic computers, retro games, and a giant processor that plays Tetris.

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Written by tmedia

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