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Bound By Flame three new screenshots and Trailer revealed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The bestiary in Bound by Flame has some amazing, impressive and unique creatures that have been created and brought to life by the talented Spiders teams, and the images released today provide a glimpse of what’s in store: here we see the game hero and his companions confronting formidable enemies like the Bone Golem, the general of the armies of the Living Dead and the terrifying Lich.

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- Werbung -

Bound by Flame uses the combat system designed for Mars War Logs, the previous Spiders RPG where the highly dynamic and tactical approach to the combat proved a real hit with players, but goes further and offers players even greater variety and tactical depth in battles. This has been made possible by the richness and originality of the game bestiary, where every creature has attacks, special skills and, in particular, behavior that is unique to them, forcing the player to adapt his tactics and combat style depending on the composition of the groups of enemies he encounters.


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This, combined with the wide range of attacks available to the player, the use of magic and some impressive combat animations (seen recently in the first video teaser), make the battles in Bound by Flame both tactically complex and spectacular.


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